Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in Career Development?
In your practice, you may have meet and face clients who regularly have difficulty acquiring and securing good opportunities in their career. Despite having all the required qualifications, they don’t get success easily in their career. Yet, some other people with less education or less experience get jobs and promotions easily in their career. There must be something different about their “personality” that makes it easier for them to develop and enhance their careers. It just might be that competencies related to Emotional Intelligence make great difference in their career performance and progression.
Some of the experts think that emotional intelligence training is required for all those employees who are in search of a career growth. Employers value emotional intelligence training because it enhances workplace outcomes. Many well-reputed employers in all sectors invest in Emotional Intelligence training and Emotional Quotient (EQ) testing as part of their recruitment. Companies like Microsoft, Pepsi, Dow Chemical, Verizon, Xerox, etc know that by instituting Emotional Intelligence within their corporate culture they will improve overall performance of the employee.
Along with emotional intelligence training, Career Growth & Advancement Training is also an important factor which helps in career development.
It’s no wonder that many scholars and researchers have found Emotional Intelligence to be a good predictor of career success. It seems that workers who just do their jobs are satisfactory, but the ones who have personal and social awareness do much better than those employees. It makes sense that an employee who has robust integrity, insight, teamwork, and leadership skills will be more energetic and effective rather than one who does not have the same skill.
It may not be very easily possible to change a client’s personality; you can enable him to improve his Emotional Quotient over time. By becoming more self-aware, your client can learn to manage his response and behaviour in any kind of stressful situations.
Emotional Intelligence is the foundation for personal competencies, or “soft skills.” By focusing on these important issues and competencies, you can help your clients to think differently, build self-confidence, motivate them, and change their behaviours. Through emotional intelligence training your client can build some specific soft skills which is really helpful.
Here are some specific soft skills on which every client can build:
- Personal Accountability
- Ethics and Integrity
- Decision Making
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Flexibility and Adaptability
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