My Daughters Box a Motivational Story
As I always state the motivation is the key to fight the odds of life. Here is another story from the session of motivational speaker and a leadership consultant in Lucknow . This time, it is about the importance of family in our life. We usually neglect them when it comes to our professional life. The family is the only support left when we lost everything. We have to give them the utmost importance to the family as we always find time to work but for them, it is hard to find, to be honest. This story is dedicated to the family and their importance in our life. Once in a small town, a man sells gift wrappers to the children. He has a collection of beautiful paper which he uses it to make beautiful gift wrappers. He works hard in the night to shape raw papers into a beautiful artwork of gift wrappers. And in the morning he uses them to sell in the market as well as door to door. He earns a bit but it is the only thing he can do. He is blessed with a daughter. She is ambitiou...